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Retail: Activity Logs
Retail: Activity Logs

Use Activity Logs to review actions taken in GrowFlow

Chris avatar
Written by Chris
Updated over a week ago

Activity Logs

When investigating package discrepancies, product changes, or even theft, the Activity Logs in GrowFlow can help you get a better understanding of what happened.

Viewing an Activity Log

1. Open any page in GrowFlow that has an Activity Log icon near the top right of the window. Pages that have an activity log include Products, Packages, Conversions, Reconcile, Finish Packages, Adjustments, Transfers, Orders, Store Settings, and Taxes.

2. Click the Activity Log button.

3. In the Activity Log, you can review actions that were taken on that particular page.

4. If there is a Details link to the right of the log entry, click it to get more information regarding the action(s) taken. Look at the Before and After columns to see what changes were made.

Activity Logs for Specific Products, Packages, Customers, and Users

Product Activity Log

1. Click on Inventory.

2. Select Products.

3. Find and select the product you would like to investigate.

4. Click the kebab in the top-right corner of the Product Details pane to open a drop-down menu.

5. Select Activity from the drop-down.

Package Activity Log

1. Click on Inventory.

2. Select Packages.

3. Find and select the package you would like to investigate.

4. Click the kebab in the top-right corner of the Package Details pane to open a drop-down menu.

5. Select Activity from the drop-down.

Customer Activity Log

1. Click on Customers.

2. Find and select the customer you would like to investigate.

3. Click the kebab in the top-right corner of the Customer Details pane to open a drop-down menu.

4. Select Activity from the drop-down.

User Activity Log

1. Click on either Store Settings or Organization Settings.

2. Select Users.

3. Find and select the user you would like to investigate

4. Click the kebab in the top-right corner of the User Details pane to open a drop-down menu.

5. Select Activity from the drop-down.

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