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Retail Insights: Executive Summary
Retail Insights: Executive Summary

An overview of the Executive Summary report

Chris avatar
Written by Chris
Updated over a week ago

Accessing the Executive Summary Report

The Executive Summary report in Insights offers an overview of essential business metrics and presents various graphs, charts, and visualizations to highlight key trends and relationships. By default, the report displays data from the last 30 days, but you can change the date range to view different data sets based on the time period selected.

To modify the date range, simply click on the current date range located at the top of the report.

Viewing Multiple Licenses

If you wish to access information for more than one license, click 'All Licenses' at the top left. This will open a dropdown menu where you can select the specific license(s) you want to review.

Recency of Data

Insights data is updated daily, once per day, at the end of the day, for all reports, with the following exceptions:

  • The Sales Summary reported is updated every 30 minutes

  • The Inventory On Hand report is updated every 30 minutes

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

At the top of the Executive Summary report, you'll find several crucial Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that provide valuable insights:


This KPI represents the total sales value of all transactions made within the selected license(s) and date range. It is further detailed in the Sales & Avg. Order Size graph, which allows you to track fluctuations in Net Sales and Average Order Size over time.

Average Order Size

This KPI reflects the average dollar value of each sale within the selected license(s) and date range. It is also detailed in the Sales & Avg. Order Size chart to visualize changes in Net Sales and Average Order Size over time.

Number of Orders

This KPI indicates the total count of orders placed within the selected license(s) and date range.

Number of Customers

This KPI represents the total number of customers who have made purchases within the selected license(s) and date range.

Margin Percentage

This KPI reveals the profit margin for sales made within the selected license(s) and date range.

Graphs, Charts, and Visualizations

In addition to KPIs, the Executive Summary report provides various visual elements to further analyze your business data:

Sales by Category

Displays a list of your Product Categories and the value of products sold per category. This can give you an 'at-a-glance' view of your most popular and least popular products based on category value and position on the list.

Number of Customers (Trend)

Shows a trend line to visualize the number of customers visiting your store(s) over the selected time period. This helps you identify peak and off-peak days.

Top Suppliers by Sales $

Presents a chart listing your suppliers and their respective sales values within the selected license(s) and date range.

Medical v Recreational Sales

Provides a visualization that illustrates the percentage of medical and recreational customers who have visited your store(s) during the selected time period. It's particularly useful for operators with both medical and recreational stores.

Products by Number of Items Sold

Displays a chart that lists your products, the quantity sold, and their net sales value. This information assists you in identifying your top-selling products for reordering and in assessing product performance.

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